Wednesday 10 July 2013

Enjoy the Moment.. #thatisall

Today I read an article in the Flow Magazine - the one that came with this months (July 2013) Ideas Magazine. The article is titled Super Pretty #fluffyclouds and it is about how we are all consumed with sharing and saving important, happy moments of things we see. We then immediately feel the need to share them on the internet through twitter, facebook and yes.. blogging..

The article goes on to say that we should  “.. enjoy the moment for itself, then let it go” Here they refer to looking at clouds.. and what they mean is that we should simply enjoy precious moments in life and not feel the constant need to archive it for later or share it with everyone.

This really happened to me today, and I find it quite ironic that I read this article today too. I came back from work and my son and his best friend were each snuggled in a blanket on opposite sides of the couch. When I saw this, it immediately made me smile, and my first instinct was… yes.. I have to take a photo!!

The article also mentions that of course it is OK to document things, but not to let these moments in life control us in such a manner that leads us to be obsessed with showing the world how happy / successful / lucky / awesome we are.

There are naturally numerous movements worldwide that encourage this concept. An NPO in the USA called Reboot started a “The National Day of Unplugging” which forms part of The Sabbath Manafesto which encourages people to turn off all technology and to

"Avoid Technology; Connect with Loved Ones; Nurture Your Health; Get Outside; Avoid Commerce; Light Candles; Drink Wine; Eat Bread; Find Silence; Give Back"

The next scheduled this global movement will be on the 7th - 8th March 2014.

Don’t feel sad because you missed it this year, and there is absolutely nothing stopping you from enjoying a tech free day any time before then.

So, no photo today.. I will just remember the happy moment when I came home today after another gruelling day at the office..

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